Benefits of Boric Acid Suppositories

benefits of boric acid suppositories

Benefits of Boric Acid Suppositories

One of the most effective, natural, and affordable treatments for bacterial vaginosis and yeast infections is benefits of boric acid suppositories. It helps balance your vaginal pH and replenishes the good flora, reducing symptoms such as itching, pain, discharge, and a strong fishy odor that can be caused by fungus called candida.

Boric acid is a water-soluble compound that contains oxygen, boron, and hydrogen. It works to interrupt the lifecycle of Candida fungi and prevent them from growing and multiplying.

Yeast infection treatment with boric acid is typically recommended by doctors as a second-line treatment after other antifungal medications have failed to provide relief. It is safe to use as long as you follow the directions provided by your doctor.

Boric Acid Suppositories: A Natural Remedy for Vaginal Health Issues

Trichomoniasis is another condition that can be treated with a pH-balancing treatment like boric acid suppositories. However, it is important to remember that sexual partners need to be treated for this infection as well, and you should practice safe sex until treatment is successful.

The most common side effects of boric acid suppositories are watery or thick white discharge during treatment, which may last for several weeks. If you develop a side effect, stop using the medication and contact your health care provider for guidance.

Aside from these side effects, boric acid is also considered toxic if swallowed in large doses. In addition, it can damage your kidneys and cause anemia.

The effectiveness of boric acid suppositories has not been fully studied, so it is important to consult with your healthcare provider about how to use them. Depending on the severity of your infection, you may need to use them for a longer period of time than other treatments.






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